Laravel Config app file not updating

If you are trying to change the app name of Laravel and it’s not updating on blade files like

config/app and name env()

'name' => env('APP_NAME', 'default text'),

If you are changed app name default text or something on there and you try to view on bade file then it not appear, right?

It’s simple to do change the app name from config in Laravel

Just follow the simple instructions.

if you are running a local server like PHP artisan serve then close it now, just press control + c

clear the config just this simple command

PHP artisan config:clear

Go to the .env file and change it.


and save it.


'name' => env('APP_NAME', 'default text'),

here used the env and called from env so you need to change what ever you want from .env file, if you are not set form .env then it use the default text.

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